"The quality of Patrick DULER's foies gras is unique: he has been selecting for years the finest foies from ducks raised and force-fed with corn in the Lot by a local producer and, above all, he prepares them on the day of felling, with the ultimate requirement of offering each piece the shaping that suits it best, the recipe adapted to its size, its texture... These foies gras are made without any preservatives or additives and are seasoned with unrefined sea salt and organic pepper ground at the time to preserve all its flavors. Thus, when you open your jar of foie gras, you will find a unique product of finesse and authenticity. The balance is perfect: little fat around the liver (but what a taste) which is firm and silky, with a powerful and balanced seasoning. The foie gras with black truffles is quite unique: Patrick DULER harvests his own truffles on the Domaine de Saint Géry and adorns his preparations with more than 14% of fine black slices of Quercy. An exceptional product that delights those who appreciate a marked universe - truffle - pepper - spices on a liver cooked to perfection."
"Domaine de St Géry's foie gras jars should be kept at room temperature before opening. You can keep the jars for 3 years. We recommend that you eat the truffled foie gras 15 minutes after removing it from the refrigerator, with thinly sliced and toasted farmhouse bread - nothing would go better with it than a nice bottle of champagne or white wine."