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The quality of Patrick DULER's foies gras is unique: for years, he has been selecting the finest foies from ducks raised and force-fed on corn in the Lot region by a local producer, and above all, he prepares them on the day they are slaughtered, with the ultimate attention to detail to ensure that each piece is shaped in the way that best suits its size and texture...
These foies gras are made without the slightest preservatives or additives, and are seasoned with unrefined sea salt and organic pepper ground at the time to preserve all their aromas.
So when you open your jar of foie gras, you'll find a unique product of finesse and authenticity. The balance is perfect: little fat around the liver (but what a taste), which is firm and silky, with a powerful, balanced seasoning.
An exceptional product for lovers of dense, perfectly cooked foie gras.
French foie gras