An excellent cooked wine vinegar, made from forgotten barrels of the Virant estate's cooked wine, whose story Christine Cheylan tells us:
"It all started with the traditional Christmas wine in Provence served on Christmas Eve to accompany the 13 desserts: the Vin Cuit. Made according to an old Provencal recipe, the Vin Cuit is a grape juice, which is reduced under the flame and concentrated in a large copper cauldron. The liquid obtained is put in oak barrels to become wine. Our Vin Cuit, with its dark golden color, has aromas of lemon, ripe melon and caramel.
Then the idea came to "forget" in the sun of Provence, some barrels of Vin Cuit and let the transformation slowly take place. Our goal: to create Château Virant's Vin Cuit vinegar.
It's been 14 years now, and time has done its work! Today we are presenting an accomplished product, the quintessence of Vin Cuit. During this long period of concentration and refinement, this precious liquid has developed unique organoleptic characteristics, an intense dark brown color and a slightly syrupy texture. Our Vin Cuit vinegar offers rare and precious flavors for lovers of exceptional products. P
ure concentrate of aromatic power, a few drops are enough to give a very special gustatory cachet to dishes. Its pleasant acidity and sweet flavors can be used to create many delights from appetizers to desserts: to flavor your sauces, to spice up meats, to enhance pasta and risottos, to accompany certain cheeses or cured ham, to enrich red fruit or melon salads and ice cream with a surprising note.
To try it is to make it your own ... as a memorable experience of the senses."
A beautiful 20cl bottle presented in a cardboard box.
Combines perfectly with the oil from the estate; a gift of taste.
Dès 1632, les prémisses de futur Château Virant sont en marche. Les terres sont plantées de vignes et d'oliviers et les premières vinifications débutent dans une cave souterraine.