"The Andrée JARDIN shoe polish set is a shoe polish kit with brushes for the maintenance of your shoes. You will appreciate the high quality of both the composition and the crafting of the products. Lovers of beautiful shoes! Nourish, polish, waterproof, shine! Thanks to this kit your shoes and boots will be cared for as they should be. The box contains : 1 horsehair shine brush 2 white silk polishing brushes 1 microfiber chamois 1 colorless shoe polish enriched with beeswax"
"The 2 polishing brushes will allow you to use the shoe polish or one of them will be used to clean your shoes before applying the polish. The microfiber chamois doesn't deposit ""lint"" compared to a cotton microfiber. It will be used at the end of the leather care to shine your shoes. It can be machine washed if necessary."